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What if probability was a choice?


Quantum Mechanics

In 1891, English physicist and physician, Thomas Young devised a simple experiment with a light source and a box with two slits. The experiment proved light behaved as waves.


In 1905, Albert Einstein proposed that light is comprised of particles, later called "photons", and sought to understand how a single photon of light traveling through only one of the slits created a wave interference pattern as if it traveled through both.


"Many Worlds" theory

In 1957, Hugh Everett proposed an explanation unlike all the others before it. Everett suggested that the most straightforward explanation of quantum mechanics' uncertainties is that rather than one world with multiple possible entangled outcomes, there were many worlds with each outcome.



Software developers wrap code that could produce an error in a "try-catch" statement. If an error outcome is detected, it is gracefully handled by the "catch".


try {

      throw "myException"; // generates an exception


catch (e) {

            // handle exceptions

            logErrors(e); // pass exception

                          // to error handler




In all the multiverse, there are a small number who are different, for whom probabilities are choices and any possible outcome can be chosen.


But there are consequences.

TRY-CATCH is a 350-page science-fiction novel.


Barnes & Noble

 © 2024, Tom Deaderick

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