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DEEP DARK: Educator's materials


Requirements for use

Permission for classroom use is requested via the contact form at


There is no charge for approved use of these materials.



Projector/Screen-ready book pages
Each page of the book is presented in these slides. The slides may be projected onto a large TV screen or used with a projector.


Download the zipped file of screen-ready book pages


Educator’s pages
This package includes fact sheets for the real-life creatures in the book, interesting facts, backstories and lessons.


Download the zipped file of Educator’s pages


Treasure Hunt

Download a treasure map for the class to track as the book is read.



















Discussion topics

Nardo, the smart Dumbo Octopus
Nardo is a great example for us to avoid judging others by appearance. He looks silly, but is the smartest character in the story.

Read more about his journey through the book.


Other lessons in the book
Each character we meet in the book has a lesson to share.


Classroom readings by Tom Deaderick

I would love to meet your classes and read the story to them. Please contact me and we’ll see if we can arrange a visit.


I am excited to hear how your classroom readings go and if you have suggestions for additional materials, I would love to hear from you.


 © 2024, Tom Deaderick

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